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Top 10 Most Beautiful Villages in the World ! you should visit

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Top 15 Most Beautiful Villages in the World - Technolink

Most of us love big cities, but that doesn’t mean small destinations can’t be alluring or amazing. There are lots of villages in the world giving a remarkably beautiful experience. It is true that the cities attract people with tall skyscrapers, expensive malls, and luxurious atmospheres, but the best way to experience the fundamental culture of a region is to travel around the smaller villages far from the big cities. Check out the below list and know about the most beautiful villages of the world.

1. Popeye Village, Malta

In an interesting twist, one of the most beautiful villages around the world is a vamped up ’80s movie set. Abandoned not long after the filming of the 1980 musical Popeye which featured the late comedian Robin Williams, Popeye Village is now home to quaint, colorful clusters of wooden buildings, a company of actors and an array of fun activities to do. Watch shows, go on boat rides, explore the village, visit museums or go wine tasting while the kids romp at the playhouses.

canadastock /

2. Hallstatt, Austria

Nestled between Hallstätter See and the Dachstein mountains is Hallstatt, Austria’s oldest and perhaps its most photographed village. This stunning European town features beautiful old churches, a subterranean salt lake, a museum with 7,000 year old artifacts and a glass-like lake set against the breath-taking backdrop of soaring mountains.

Lavender field and Simiane la rotonde village in Provence France
Jef Wodniack /

3. Simiane La Rotonde, France

Located in the stunning south of France and surrounded by olive groves and lavender fields, this hilltop village is one of the most beautiful towns in the world. Explore the charming village, pass along narrow cobblestone streets and stone houses, admire the centuries old architecture, attend talks on aromatherapy, tour the medieval castle and enjoy the scents and colors from the numerous flowers in the nearby Abbey of Valsaintes garden.

Manarola Village in Cinque Terre, Italy

4. Cinque Terre, Italy

Cinque Terre means ‘Five Lands’ in English and is the collective name given to five different fishing villages that each boast stunning coastal and mountain trails as well as beautiful, classic architecture. Cinque Terre offers timeless appeal and a feel of authentic Italy with its rugged coastlines and romantic town area.

The ancient Ortahisar Castle in Cappadocia, in central Turkey is a major landmark
MindStorm /

5. Ortahisar, Turkey

Despite its central location Ortahisar has managed to remain largely traditional and mostly slow-paced. Even as surrounding towns increasingly become more and more touristic, Ortahisar remains rustic and charming. Have a drink and a meal in an underground cave bar, marvel at Ortahisar’s looming 78 meter high castle carved from stone and learn more about the underground cave storage where citrus fruits are stashed until they ripen.

Beautiful Oia town on Santorini island, Greece
Patryk Kosmider /

6. Oia, Greece

Oia is a traditional village with beautiful blue domed churches, sun-bathed verandas, a number of art galleries, and maze of small shops, almost all with panoramic views of the port Ammoudi and of the Santorini volcano. Oia is without a doubt one of the most beautiful towns in the world.

Shirakawago light-up with Snowfall Gifu Chubu Japan

7. Wagrain, Austria

Wagrain, also in Austria is one of those little towns seen in Christmas cards offering tourists the best winter experiences.

In mid-2022, Wagrain was also the first and only destination in Austria to be awarded the Global Sustainable Tourism Council accredited Green Destinations certification.

8. Mestia, Georgia

At an elevation of 1,500 metres, the village of Mestia is listed tenth amongst the Best Tourism Villages selected by the UNWTO.

It has a population of only 1,973 residents, and it is known as a centre of mountaineering tourism. In this village, you can visit the Svaneti Museum of History and Ethnography, which is home to some of the most important historical artefacts both from the region and the rest of the country.

From there, you can hike the glaciers or the nearby lakes.

9. Sauris-Zahre, Italy

The Italian village of Sauris, immersed in the nature of the Carnic Alps is located at a height ranging between 1,000 and 1,400 metres above sea level.

The village has been semi-isolated for centuries, preserving its culture and architecture. Maybe the most unique thing about this village is that the ancient language spoken in the Friuli area is still spoken in Sauris.

10. Castelo Novo, Portugal

Built 800 years ago, Portugal’s Castelo Novo is home to one of the most important archaeological sites in this region – the Roman baths of Quinta do Ervedal and a remarkable fortified settlement from the Bronze Age.

It is also the first location in Portugal with 100 per cent sustainable mobility, free of carbon dioxide and noise emissions, which offers five electric vehicles available for free use in addition to serving as a transfer service to the train stations.

11. Rasinari, Romania

Rasinari, a picturesque village in Romaniamhas many tourist sites as the Andrei Șaguna monument, “St. Parascheva” Church, Octavian Goga memorial house, and the ruins of the medieval fortress of Cetățuia Citadel.

12. Bohinj, Slovenia

The village of Bohinj in Slovenia has 65% of it within Slovenia’s only national park – the Triglav National Park.

The village stands on Lake Bohinj, Triglav, the Savica waterfall, and the Church of St. John the Baptist and is also home to protected architectural sites.

13. Rupit, Alquézar and Guadalupe in Spain

Three Spanish villages have been selected among the best world tourism villages by UNWTO: Rupit, Alquézar and Guadalupe.

The village of Rupit is of medieval origin and is considered to be one of the jewels of Catalonia in Spain. It preserves baroque buildings from the 17ᵗʰ century and is surrounded by the Rupit stream, lush forests, caves, prehistoric tombs, waterfalls, and miles of cliffs.

Alquézar, on the other hand, is a historic-artistic site since 1980 and has the status of a World Heritage site by UNESCO. Its name originates from the Arabic words al qaçr, meaning “for fort”.

And last, but no less, is the village of Guadalupe, which can be accessed only through mountainous roads. It has several recognised cultural sites as the Royal Monastery of Guadalupe, Villuercas Ibores Geopark Jara or The Pilgrimage Paths to Guadeloupe, The Well of the Snow of Guadalupe, Los Molinos, Aceñas, etc.

In 2017, Guadalupe received the award the “Most Beautiful Christmas Town in Spain” from Ferrero Rocher.

14. Murten and Andermatt, Switzerland

While Andermatt is home to a great variety of wildlife, mountain lakes, brooks, springs, and untouched mountainous area, Murten is a lakeside medieval town consisting of various objects from the New Stone Age, Bronze age, Roman and Medieval age.


Nuuk Greenland

Nuuk, Greenland, pretty much my top dream travel destination. So much so that we even wrote a post all about it even though we have yet to go there! I couldn’t help myself – Greenland is just incredibly fascinating to me.

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